Clothing Label / Cause Brand

Awana Project

About the Project

Awana (“to weave” in Quechua) is an independent apparel and clothing project in collaboration and partnership with different indigenous communities in Colombia. The idea is to use the hand made artisan crafts specific to each community and integrate into apparel, wearable accessories or for the home.


Client - Independent Project + Partnership
Country - Colombia


Identity Design, Logo, Strategy, Concept & Art Direction.

Clothing Label / Cause Brand

Awana Project

About the Project

Awana (“to weave” in Quechua) is an independent apparel and clothing project in collaboration and partnership with different indigenous communities in Colombia. The idea is to use the hand made artisan crafts specific to each community and integrate into apparel, wearable accessories or for the home.


Client - Independent Project + Partnership
Country - Colombia


Identity Design, Logo, Strategy, Concept & Art Direction.

Clothing Label / Cause Brand

Awana Project

About the Project

Awana (“to weave” in Quechua) is an independent apparel and clothing project in collaboration and partnership with different indigenous communities in Colombia. The idea is to use the hand made artisan crafts specific to each community and integrate into apparel, wearable accessories or for the home.


Client - Independent Project + Partnership
Country - Colombia


Identity Design, Logo, Strategy, Concept & Art Direction.

Socially Responsible Benefit

The concept was simple and based in the desire to help underserved indigenous communities in Colombia's more remote regions. By partnering with artisans and traditional healing communities, the sales could not only lead to more awareness of traditional communities, but develop programs to fund needed community projects. Everyone gets paid fairly for the work and 15-20% of profits go back as help support a cause that helps maintain that community’s traditions through environmental, social or indigenous rights programs. Each unique piece of artisan work comes with its own unique story to create awareness and education around indigenous traditions and their current contemporary struggles with rights and land management in Colombia.

Socially Responsible Benefit

The concept was simple and based in the desire to help underserved indigenous communities in Colombia's more remote regions. By partnering with artisans and traditional healing communities, the sales could not only lead to more awareness of traditional communities, but develop programs to fund needed community projects. Everyone gets paid fairly for the work and 15-20% of profits go back as help support a cause that helps maintain that community’s traditions through environmental, social or indigenous rights programs. Each unique piece of artisan work comes with its own unique story to create awareness and education around indigenous traditions and their current contemporary struggles with rights and land management in Colombia.

Socially Responsible Benefit

The concept was simple and based in the desire to help underserved indigenous communities in Colombia's more remote regions. By partnering with artisans and traditional healing communities, the sales could not only lead to more awareness of traditional communities, but develop programs to fund needed community projects. Everyone gets paid fairly for the work and 15-20% of profits go back as help support a cause that helps maintain that community’s traditions through environmental, social or indigenous rights programs. Each unique piece of artisan work comes with its own unique story to create awareness and education around indigenous traditions and their current contemporary struggles with rights and land management in Colombia.   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379

©2024   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379

US: +1.678.666.0099
DE: +49.1634693379
