Creative Agency for Non Profits

Friends with Benefits / Cause Agency

About the Project

FWB has been a passion project and space for developing ideas and experimentation within the cause marketing space since 2020. This idea was born out of a lot of frustrations over the years working in advertising and marketing and seeing a lot of creative energy, time and dedication we as creatives put into simply selling more stuff. It was based on a belief that creativity + strategy is a powerful toolbox to wield in this world with unlimted potential for change, influence and transformation. So why wouldn't one find a way to wield that for good?


Client - Astro Records
Country - Spain



Creative Agency for Non Profits

Friends with Benefits / Cause Agency

About the Project

FWB has been a passion project and space for developing ideas and experimentation within the cause marketing space since 2020. This idea was born out of a lot of frustrations over the years working in advertising and marketing and seeing a lot of creative energy, time and dedication we as creatives put into simply selling more stuff. It was based on a belief that creativity + strategy is a powerful toolbox to wield in this world with unlimted potential for change, influence and transformation. So why wouldn't one find a way to wield that for good?


Client - Astro Records
Country - Spain



Creative Agency for Non Profits

Friends with Benefits / Cause Agency

About the Project

FWB has been a passion project and space for developing ideas and experimentation within the cause marketing space since 2020. This idea was born out of a lot of frustrations over the years working in advertising and marketing and seeing a lot of creative energy, time and dedication we as creatives put into simply selling more stuff. It was based on a belief that creativity + strategy is a powerful toolbox to wield in this world with unlimted potential for change, influence and transformation. So why wouldn't one find a way to wield that for good?


Client - Astro Records
Country - Spain



A smarter balance of Creative + Strategy...for Good!

The thesis is, that a smarter balance of strategy + creative can solve business problems, guide missions and help transform organizations for “good”. Why do it you might ask? Because our world needs all the help it can get and the social economy plays a crucial role in doing that. But a lot of nonprofits and cause-driven businesses fall behind in presenting themselves competitively. That’s why we think bringing the tools and talents of the creative industry to the social sector can raise their effectiveness to make a world of change for all of us. We believe good causes deserve to be as captivating as smartphones and sports cars.

A smarter balance of Creative + Strategy...for Good!

The thesis is, that a smarter balance of strategy + creative can solve business problems, guide missions and help transform organizations for “good”. Why do it you might ask? Because our world needs all the help it can get and the social economy plays a crucial role in doing that. But a lot of nonprofits and cause-driven businesses fall behind in presenting themselves competitively. That’s why we think bringing the tools and talents of the creative industry to the social sector can raise their effectiveness to make a world of change for all of us. We believe good causes deserve to be as captivating as smartphones and sports cars.

A smarter balance of Creative + Strategy...for Good!

The thesis is, that a smarter balance of strategy + creative can solve business problems, guide missions and help transform organizations for “good”. Why do it you might ask? Because our world needs all the help it can get and the social economy plays a crucial role in doing that. But a lot of nonprofits and cause-driven businesses fall behind in presenting themselves competitively. That’s why we think bringing the tools and talents of the creative industry to the social sector can raise their effectiveness to make a world of change for all of us. We believe good causes deserve to be as captivating as smartphones and sports cars.   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379

US: +1.678.666.0099
DE: +49.1634693379

©2024   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379
