Motion Design / Identity

Costanza & Marilu / Series

About the Project

COSTANZA & MARILU is a sofa chat show between two very contemporary and cultured ladies. Together, friends Costanza Pascolato (businesswoman and fashion consultant) and Marilu Beer (artist) talk about life, art and everything in-between. Aired on YouTube and the Discovery Home & Health channel in Brasil.


Client - Asas de Imaginacao
Country - Brasil, Sao Paulo


Art Direction for Motion Graphics and Logo Design.

Motion Design / Identity

Costanza & Marilu / Series

About the Project

COSTANZA & MARILU is a sofa chat show between two very contemporary and cultured ladies. Together, friends Costanza Pascolato (businesswoman and fashion consultant) and Marilu Beer (artist) talk about life, art and everything in-between. Aired on YouTube and the Discovery Home & Health channel in Brasil.


Client - Asas de Imaginacao
Country - Brasil, Sao Paulo


Art Direction for Motion Graphics and Logo Design.

Motion Design / Identity

Costanza & Marilu / Series

About the Project

COSTANZA & MARILU is a sofa chat show between two very contemporary and cultured ladies. Together, friends Costanza Pascolato (businesswoman and fashion consultant) and Marilu Beer (artist) talk about life, art and everything in-between. Aired on YouTube and the Discovery Home & Health channel in Brasil.


Client - Asas de Imaginacao
Country - Brasil, Sao Paulo


Art Direction for Motion Graphics and Logo Design.   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379

©2024   |   US: +1.678.666.0099 |   DE: +49.1634693379

US: +1.678.666.0099
DE: +49.1634693379
